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Information for lateral entrants to the core study program

For the teaching degree at elementary school (L1), the teaching degree at Hauptschulen and Realschulen (L2) and Teaching degree at grammar schools (L3):

Basic information on the recognition procedure can be found on the website of the Center for Teacher Training.

Please send your complete application documents for the core study program by email to wechsel.kernstudium[at]uni-kassel[dot]de .  

The subject representative responsible for recognition recommendations is the Chair of the Core Studies Module Examination Committee (Prof. Dr. Martin Hänze). 

For Vocational and Business Education (BA/MA L4), please contact the Institute for Vocational Education, Department 07.

Further information

  • For the degree programmes Lehramt an Grundschulen (L1), Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschulen (L2) and Lehramt an Gymnasien (L3) with a First State Examination
    Basic information on the recognition procedure can be found on the website of the Centre for Teacher Education.
    Send your complete application documents for the recommendation for recognition  for the core study program by e-mail to wechsel.kernstudium[at]uni-kassel[dot]de . The subject representative for recognition recommendations for core studies is the Chair of the Core Studies Module Examination Committee (Prof. Dr. Martin Hänze). 


    Please note this exception:
    No recognition recommendations are issued by the Core Studies sub-degree program for internal university teacher training program transfer students from
    ⦁     L1
    ⦁     L2
    ⦁     L3
    ⦁     L4
    ⦁     L1
    ⦁     L2
    ⦁     L3
    In these cases, please apply directly to the Hessian Teachers' Academy for recognition for the core study program, Kassel Examination Office.


  • For the degree programs in Vocational and Business Education (BA/MA L4)
    Please contact the Institute for Vocational Education, Department 07 for internal university recognition .

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