List 2: Juso University Group Kassel

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Juso Hochschulgruppe Kassel: Study however you want! - Socialist. Feminist. Internationalist.

The Juso university groups are the student association of the Young Socialists in the SPD. At over 80 universities across Germany, we are fighting for fairer and fairer higher education.
For us as a student association, higher education and research policy form the core of our political work. We consider all of these aspects in the light of our triad - feminism, internationalism, and the [...] (Note: the character limit has been exceeded here)

Juso Hochschulgruppe Kassel: Study however you want! - Socialist. Feminist. Internationalist.: e-mail


  1. Bleich, Josef
  2. Wedemeier, Lara
  3. Rezagholipour-Dizatschi, Kasra
  4. Karger, Annalena Marietta
  5. Müller, Finja
  6. Coste, Leon
  7. Banschbach, Pascal David
  8. Wiesel, Cedric Mathis
  9. Borchardt, Max
  10. Groom, Tim
  11. Neubauer, Matthias

Responsible for the list: Josef Bleich