At the top is the elected Presidential Board of the university (the university management). As a rule, there is also a university council - consisting of external personalities. The University Council supports internal decisions with statements and recommendations. The highest body is the Senate. The central groups are represented here. The Senate makes important decisions in the areas of university policy, research, teaching and studies as well as the university's basic regulations. There are also other committees and offices at the central and decentralized levels. At the decentralized levels of the faculties, the most important bodies are the Dean's Office and the Faculty Council.
Some bodies and offices have decision-making powers; other bodies (committees, commissions) have an advisory function. For example, an appointment committee recommends the most suitable candidate to the university management, but the decision-making authority lies with the university management. Participation in university committees is part of the official duties of Professors. However, academic and non-academic employees as well as students are also represented on the committees.