List 3: RCDS - The student center

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Student Union: conservative - liberal - tolerant

Pragmatic working methods in the student parliament instead of global politics. - With around 8,000 members, the RCDS (Ring of Christian Democratic Students) is the largest and oldest student association in Germany. We are represented at numerous universities in Germany and actively campaign locally for the concerns of students and a modern and sustainable university policy.

Student Union: conservative - liberal - tolerant: e-mail


  1. Yiakoumos, Ilias
  2. de Boer, Timo
  3. Wagemann, Jonas
  4. Stachon, Jan
  5. Honemann, Lukas
  6. Baker, Lukas
  7. Rieg, Lorenz Teja
  8. Rehwald, Jannis
  9. Quintanilla Pereira, Santiago de la Cruz

Responsible for the list: Jonas Wagemann