Bachelor thesis

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The Bachelor's thesis takes eight weeks to complete. As a rule, the content of a topic of your choice is discussed using scientific literature. It is also possible to analyze existing data in the subject areas, or data collected as part of the interdisciplinary project work or the professional internship. In this case, a clear demarcation between the questions of both papers must be ensured.

  • Topic: current offers (intranet)
  • Scope: approx. 60 pages of text.
  • Supervision: two examiners.
  • Registration: Submission of the form with attachments to the study secretariat; every second Monday of the month; all grades from the basic studies must be available at the time of registration, all examinations or parts of examinations from the main studies must have been taken.
  • Admission: Admission is granted one week after your documents have been checked.
  • Submission: usually three bound copies (no ring binding) as well as a USB stick with a complete version and an anonymized version (without title page and declaration of independence) as pdf files at the Registrar's Office (if the examiners agree to their own digital copy, several USB sticks can also be submitted accordingly. The sticks can be collected from the Student Administration Office or the examiners afterwards); early submission is not possible.
  • Extension: Medical certificates can extend the submission deadline if they are submitted to the Student Administration Office within three days. Applications for extensions for other valid reasons must be submitted to the Examination Board (P.O. Box of the Student Administration Office) before the submission deadline, stating the reasons and with the approval of the first supervisor.

The oral colloquium takes place with the two supervisors at the earliest two weeks and at the latest six weeks after submission of the Bachelor's thesis. Participation in the colloquium requires that all credits of the degree program have been earned and that at least the grade "sufficient" has been achieved in the Bachelor's thesis. The date is arranged by the student directly with the examiners and the Registrar's Office is informed of the date when the thesis is submitted. In the colloquium, the thesis is presented for 20-25 minutes and questions are asked by the examiners, which may also touch on related fields of knowledge. The colloquium lasts a total of 45 minutes. An online colloquium can be requested in advance from the Registrar's Office with justification.

Please note:

If you wish to apply and enrol for the Master's in Organic Agriculture in the following semester, the latest registration deadline for the Bachelor's thesis is in February for the summer semester or in August for the winter semester in order to receive conditional admission. Please note that other deadlines may apply for other degree programs or at other universities.

If you do not wish to re-register for the following semester, you must calculate your time schedule so that the oral colloquium is taken by the end of March or the end of September at the latest. Alternatively, you must re-register for the following semester. If the oral colloquium is taken by the end of April or the end of October at the latest, the semester fee can be fully refunded retroactively via the Asta.

Further information on registration on the department page