Main study phase

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7 modules must be selected from the module catalog in the Bachelor's degree. Not every module is offered every year. The modules must be selected from the areas of methods, soil and plant sciences, livestock sciences and/or economic, social and food sciences. You can decide for yourself which areas you wish to select the modules from. The module descriptions can be found in the appendix of the examination regulations.

H13 Statistics II

H14 Methods of empirical social research

H15 Communication and Counseling

H16 Event Management

H18 Environmental Communication: Communicating Agriculture and Sustainability

H21 Soil fertility, nutrient cycles

H22 Regulation of the agricultural biocoenosis

H26 Renewable raw materials for energy production

H29 Fundamentals and applied aspects of soil biology

H30 Crop Husbandry and Technology in the Tropics

H33 Agricultural Engineering II

H35 Agro genetic engineering: basics and specialization

H37 Biodynamic agriculture - basic module

H39 Practical course in soil science

H49 Laboratory methods for the qualitative analysis of soil, plant and manure samples

H50 Biodynamic agriculture - advanced module

H51 Environmental impacts of agriculture: influencing factors and evaluation methods

H52 Fundamentals of organic vegetable production

H53 Special vegetable and fruit growing

H54 Grassland management, landscape conservation

H55 Cognitive processes and cultural landscape development

H59 Climate change and water use in agriculture

H42 Livestock science - pigs, poultry

H43 Livestock science - horses

H44 Specialized animal breeding

H45 Specialized animal husbandry

H46 Health Management

H48 Livestock and crops in (sub)tropical systems 

H56 Livestock Sciences - Cattle

H57 Livestock Science - Small Ruminants

H58 Stable construction planning

H61 Economics of plant and animal production

H62 Business management, controlling

H63 Farm conversion and optimization 

H66 Agricultural and food marketing

H72 Agricultural and environmental governance 

H73 Sustainable management in the agricultural and food sector

H83 Setting up new agricultural businesses

H84 Direct marketing

H87 Food and drink as a subject of research

H88 Social farming - in-depth study

H89 Seminar on sustainable land management