Wind Energy Converter Systems

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The certificate 'Wind Energy Converter Systems' is focused on engineering, planning and managing aspects of wind turbine technology, wind turbines and wind farms. It provides knowledge about classical and recently developed wind turbine components. Design and analysis methods for modern on and off shore foundations, towers, rotor blades and nacelle systems will be taught. Sections on planning, management, administration of wind turbines and wind parks will complete the profile of wind engineers responsible for projects.

Certificate Modules

Selection of 30 credits:

Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components Description
On and Offshore Foundations Description
Construction and Design of the Nacelle Systems Description
Towers Description
Rotor Blades Description
Business Administration and Management of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms Description
Planning and Construction of Wind Farms Description


Participants of this certificate program will learn the state-of-the-art technology of wind energy system components and the concepts of the relevant technologies. Based on this they will be able to develop high quality standard components and they will also have the ability to overcome the current technical limitations of these wind turbine elements. These engineers are able to design modern, energy efficient, economical and reliable foundations, towers, rotor blades and nacelle systems, and to invent related new design concepts and technologies. Encouraged by their competence in planning, managing and administrative aspects, students are well equipped for leading positions in the field of wind turbine development and construction, as well as for the operation and maintenance of wind energy systems.

Certificate Fee

€6,000 (30 credits)

How this fits into the master's program


All 30 credits of the certificate 'Wind Energy Converter Systems' will be accepted for the complete master's study program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.

Certificate Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Reul
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The Wind Energy Converter Systems certificate focuses on the design, development and management of turbine technology, wind turbines and wind farms. It provides knowledge of classical and newly developed wind turbine components. Design and analysis methods for modern onshore and offshore foundations, towers, rotor blades and nacelle systems are taught. The different sections of planning, management, administration of wind turbines and wind farms complete the profile of wind engineers responsible for projects.

Certificate modules

Selection of 30 credits:

Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components Description
On and Offshore Foundations Description
Construction and Design of the Nacelle Systems Description
Towers Description
Rotor Blades Description
Business Administration and Management of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms Description
Planning and Construction of Wind Farms Description


Participants of this certificate will learn the state of the art of wind turbine components and the concepts of the relevant technologies. On this basis, they will be able to develop high quality standard components. They will also be able to overcome the current technical limitations of these wind turbine elements. Engineers will be able to design modern, energy-efficient, economical and reliable foundations, towers, rotor blades and nacelle systems and invent associated new design concepts and technologies. With their planning, management, and administrative skills, students are well equipped for leadership positions in wind turbine design, development, operation, and maintenance.

Certificate fees

6.000 € (30 ECTS credits)

Classification in the master program


All 30 credits of the certificate 'Wind Energy Converter Systems' are recognized for the master program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.

Certificate Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Reul
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<link>Application for the certificate