University of Kassel and Fraunhofer IEE

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The University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE) have developed the part-time study program Wind Energy Systems in a cooperation.

The University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE) are developing a part-time master's program for Wind Energy Systems.

Knowledge transfer from research to education

As a result of the technical cooperation between the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer IEE, the latest research findings are integrated into the teaching of the Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.

The University of Kassel, which contributes to the Master's program with professors from the departments of civil and environmental, mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as natural sciences and mathematics, has a long research history in the structural technology of wind energy systems. Research topics include mathematics, structural mechanics, aerodynamics, geotechnics, experimental and computational solid and fluid mechanics, and technological concepts for foundations, rotor blades and wind turbine towers.

The research activities of Fraunhofer IEE cover wind power and the integration of renewable energy into energy supply structures. The main areas of research are to do with the technology and operational management of wind turbines and wind farms: component development for rotors, drive trains and foundations, evaluation methods for wind turbines and components, environmental impact analysis for wind power generation, control and system integration, converters and storage systems.

Management and Public Relations

Unikims and Fraunhofer Academy support the Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems in questions regarding management and public relations.

Knowledge transfer from research to education

Through the cooperation between the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute IEE , the latest research results are integrated into the teaching of the online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems.

The University of Kassel has a long history of research in the structural mechanics of wind energy systems. Research topics include mathematics, structural mechanics, aerodynamics, geotechnics, experimental and computational solid and fluid mechanics, and technological concepts for wind turbine foundations, rotor blades, and towers.

The research activities of Fraunhofer IEEdeal with wind energy and the integration of renewable energies into energy supply structures. The research focus here is on technology and operational management of wind turbines and wind farms: component development for rotors, drive trains and foundations; assessment methods for wind turbines and components; environmental impact studies for wind power generation, control and system integration; and converter and storage systems.

Management and public relations

UNIKIMS and the Fraunhofer Academy support the Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems in matters concerning management and public relations.


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