How we support you before and during your studies

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As a student on our 100% online course, we offer you special support. We provide an online learning environment that enables independent learning while ensuring good communication with lecturers and fellow students.

Below you will find information on how we provide this support and learning environment before, during and after your studies.

The Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems is designed as a 100% online learning program. Therefore we offer special online support for our students. We create an online educational environment where students can access all the scientific learning content, as well as interact with their fellow students and lecturers.

Below you will find information on how we guarantee this support and learning environment before, during and after your online studies.

Before your studies

  • You are invited to our online info sessions (for the slides from the last session, <media 15348 - - "TEXT, WES Info Session DAAD China 2016-10-13, WES_Info_Session_DAAD_China_2016-10-13.pdf, 1.3 MB">see here</media>).

  • Contact details for key contacts are available on the homepage.

  • You receive support during your application process.

  • Your questions are answered within 48 hours.

  • It is possible to personally consult with the course director.

  • An introduction to the online techniques of the study program is offered. This tutorial consists of:

    • Online training on the features of Moodle and Adobe Connect.
    • Manuals for Adobe Connect and Moodle are provided.

    During your studies

    • You get in contact with your fellow students:

      • Students introduce themselves to each other in an online session.
      • You report on the situation of renewables in your own country.
    • You get a welcome map.

      • It includes information about your fellow students and lecturers, the curriculum and the schedule.
    • Intensive supervision of students.

      • Interaction between students and lecturers via Moodle.
      • Organizational questions, for example the combination of study and work, can be discussed with the course management.
      • On weekdays your questions will be answered by the course management within 24 hours.    
    • You receive assistance in the selection, implementation and supervision of your master's thesis:

      • You get advice regarding the master's thesis topic.
      • You can write your master's thesis at the University of Kassel, Fraunhofer or in industry.
      • You get assistance with both the work and writing.
    • Intensive feedback culture for each module.

      • Each module will be evaluated by our students<media 15347 - - "TEXT, WES 2014-01-07 Evaluation soziodemographische Daten, WES_2014-01-07_Evaluation_soziodemographische_Daten.pdf, 240 KB">(example of survey</media>).
      • Online feedback session between students and the course management will be organized.
    • You will receive a <link>syllabus for each module.

    After your graduation

    • You can participate in the Alumni Network of the Online WES and of the University of Kassel.

    • You get the opportunity to complete your PhD at the University of Kassel.

      Before your studies

      • You can take part in our online info sessions.

      • You can find important contacts on our homepage.

      • You will receive support during the application process.

      • Your questions will be answered within 48 hours.

      • Online webinars and manuals on the learning platforms are available.

        During your studies

        • You get to know your fellow students:

          • You introduce yourself in an introductory session
          • You report on wind energy in your country
        • You will receive a Welcome Map

          • The Welcome Map contains information about the course, the curriculum, the semester timetable and technical information
        • You will receive intensive support

          • Interaction with students and lecturers via Moodle
          • Organizational questions can be discussed with the course management team at any time
          • You will receive an answer from the course management team within 24 hours on weekdays  
        • You will receive support in the selection, implementation and supervision of your Master's thesis

          • You will receive support in finding a topic
          • You can write your Master's thesis at the University of Kassel, a Fraunhofer Institute or in industry
          • We support you in your work and in the writing process
        • We want you to tell us what you think

          • Each module is evaluated by our students
          • Online feedback sessions between students and the program management are held after each semester
        • You will receive a <link>syllabus for each module

        After your graduation

        • You can become part of the alumni network of the University of Kassel

        • You can continue your studies with a doctorate at the University of Kassel after your Master's degree if you have the appropriate qualifications