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08/28/2019 | Campus-Meldung

CHER annual conference "Theories and Methods in Higher Education Research" starts

More than 180 higher education researchers from around the world will gather today (Aug. 28, 2019) at the University of Kassel for the start of the 32nd annual meeting of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER). The conference, which runs through August 30, is hosted by the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel). The theme of this year's conference is "Theories and Methods of Higher Education Research ".

The Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) was founded in Kassel, Germany, in 1988. Today, CHER is an association based in Europe, but with an international reach that extends far beyond Europe. CHER aims to promote activities in the field of higher education research, encourage collaboration in research projects, and promote the internationalization of higher education research.

The host of the conference, INCHER-Kassel conducts research on higher education issues as well as on topics at the interface between higher education and other areas of society. INCHER Director Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken is also a member of CHER's Board of Governors.

The conference has two goals: First, to critically discuss theories and methods of higher education research, and second, to discuss the relevance of recent theoretical and methodological developments in other disciplines and interdisciplinary research areas for higher education research. Research questions will be discussed from a theoretical, methodological, and nexus of theories and methods perspective. In addition, two open tracks provide space for contributions that do not specifically fit the three perspectives and are not explicitly related to the main theme of the conference.

Three days of intensive exchange of ideas, 109 presentations and discussions, and a poster session lie ahead for conference participants. More than 180 people are participating in this year's CHER conference. They come from more than 30 countries, including a remarkably high number of Asian participants. Also part of the conference are the CHER General Assembly on Wednesday evening and an atmospheric dinner on Thursday evening at the Alte Brüderkirche, a historic Gothic church dating back to 1298 in Kassel.

Special offerings for early-career researchers include the Best Doctoral Paper Award and a Writing Clinic: current doctoral students and those who have graduated in the last two years were invited to submit papers on their doctoral work. Among the submitted papers, one will be selected with the Best Doctoral Paper Award. In addition, the association ECHER - Early Career Higher Education Researchers - will offer a "writing clinic" one day before the official start of the conference for those who wish to receive advice and support for their current publication projects.

Members of the conference organizing committee are:
at INCHER-Kassel: Georg Krücken (also CHER Board of Governors); Shweta Mishra; Tim Seidenschnur; Christian Schneijderberg; Isabel Steinhardt. From the CHER Board of Governors: Jelena Brankovic; Gaële Goastellec; Hugo Horta; Terhi Nokkala; Emanuela Reale.

Conference office:  Susanne Höckelmann.
Contact: hoeckelmann[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de