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05/02/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Presentation "KASSEL KLICKT! Strengthening social projects in the region".

The results of a service learning seminar at the University of Kassel will be presented on May 8 in the concert hall of the Institute of Music. The participating students created short videos for social institutions, which the institutions could then use for their crowdfunding campaigns. The public presentation of the results is aimed at those interested in service learning at the University of Kassel.

What's the best way to fund a project? - Crowdfunding (translatable as swarm funding) is an innovative option worth trying out. It involves advertising a project online on special platforms (e.g. betterplace or startnext). Everyone who likes the project can make a small contribution and is rewarded with a small thank-you.

Last winter semester, a course was held for the first time at the University of Kassel in which students of music and social work dealt with this fundraising method. The task was to produce small video films for three social institutions in Kassel so that the institutions could use them for their crowdfunding campaigns. The students were able to learn techniques of filming, editing, and scoring.

The results of this service learning seminar are impressive, and so there is a public presentation of the results: "KASSEL KLICKT! Strengthening Social Projects in the Region" on Tuesday, May 8 at 8 p.m. in the concert hall of the Institute of Music, Mönchebergstraße 1.

The students of Roman Beilharz's project work will present their produced videos for crowdfunding campaigns. The videos for the Autonomous Women's Shelter Kassel, the Kinderhort Hafen17 and the kennenLERNladen Waldau as well as the crowdfunding platform Startnext will be presented.
Imke-Marie Badur
University of Kassel
Tel.: 0561 804-7469