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Workshop "Democracy in times of globalization

Workshop in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Kassel.

Globalization in its current form poses multiple challenges to democracies and democratic legitimation models in general. In Western democracies, openly anti-democratic forces celebrate considerable electoral successes as a reaction to globalization processes. Autocratic regimes have an ever greater influence on the global political situation. Large corporations significantly determine the global economy and often use opportunities to evade national legislation. The digital revolution is determined by a few of these companies, with the digital world as a whole largely eluding political access. In addition, large migratory movements in some countries are leading to greatly altered populations and cultural shifts.

Local and national democracies seem helpless in the face of these developments. Democratic processes are often lengthy; moreover, the influence of democratically legitimized representatives on the world order is waning. There is also little to suggest that existing inter- and transnational political institutions will (further) democratize.

The workshop will discuss how democratic legitimacy can look like under the conditions of increasing supranational interdependencies. What structural changes are necessary for democracy to have a future as a model of political self-determination at the national and supranational level?

Participation is free of charge. Registration is requested at

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