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2 research assistants (EG 13 TV-H) - in the department Experimental Physics IV

Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Institute of Physics - Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann

Deadline for submission:


start of recruitment :

as soon as possible

reference number:


Applications to :

Part-time with half of the regular working time of a full-time employee. The positions are initially limited to 21 months according to the project approval (§ 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG). The possibility of doctoral studies is given.


Your tasks:

  • Collaboration in the project: "Multifunctional Anisotropically Shaped Hybrid-Particles" of the funding line "Future".
  • Design and fabrication of surface functionalized anisotropic magnetic thin film systems on organic micro- and nanoparticles
  • Optimization of the deposition process of exchange-shifted magnetic thin film systems on organic micro- and nanoparticles
  • Development of possibilities for the subsequent modification of the magnetic anisotropy e.g. by field cooling or helium ion bombardment
  • characterization of magnetic properties by angle-resolved magneto-optical methods and magnetic force microscopy
  • spectral characterization of the optical properties of hybrid particles
  • structural studies of particle shape and surface roughness
  • performance of microfluidic experiments to study the translational and rotational dynamics of individual hybrid particles in time-varying magnetic field landscapes as well as studies of cooperative effects
  • Development of a program to evaluate the rotational and translational motion of the particles using a tracking algorithm
  • Preparation of scientific reports and publications


Your requirements:

  • completed scientific university studies in the field of physics or nanostructure sciences
  • in-depth knowledge in the field of magnetic thin film systems and magnetic anisotropy effects
  • experience in the use of experimental equipment available in the group, in particular magneto-optical measurement methods, atomic force and magnetic force microscopy as well as sputter deposition for film preparation
  • very good knowledge of the relevant theories
  • knowledge of the relevant literature
  • Knowledge of English
  • Ability to present even very complex factual contexts in a comprehensible and linguistically flawless manner
  • Graphics and word processing skills


Advantageous are:

  • Experience in the preparation and supervision of courses
  • thorough and independent working methods
  • a high degree of organizational skills


For further inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann, Tel.: 0561-804-4060, E-Mail: ehresmann[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de.


Protecting your personal data is important to us, so we will handle your personal data with care. If you give us your data, you thereby allow us to store and use it in accordance with the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will then be deleted.


In the interest of equal opportunities, the University of Kassel strives to offer women and men the same development opportunities and to counteract existing disadvantages. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if they are equally qualified and qualified. Full-time positions are generally divisible. Please submit only copies of your application documents (no folders), as these cannot be returned after the selection process has been completed; they will be destroyed in compliance with data protection regulations. Applications with informative documents should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, quoting the reference number, and preferably also in electronic form.