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Cantiamo Piccolo concert: "Danse macabré"

In the autumnal November period, the Kassel University Chamber Choir "Cantiamo Piccolo" invites you to two very special concert experiences under the motto "Danse macabré":

On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Kassel's main cemetery, works by Hugo Distler will be performed on Wednesday, November 7. The evening's guest of honor will be Distler's nephew, violinist and singer-songwriter Thomas Kagermann.

In impressive improvisations and with electronic timbres, themes and fragments of Distler's music are transformed into a new tonal language of the present and the moment.

The central work of the concert evening is Distler's "Totentanz" for violin, narrator and choir. Distler also composed short variations of the song "Es ist ein Schnitter" for solo flute for a performance of "Totentanz" at the Kasseler Musiktage in 1934, which Kagermann will transform into his own variations for violin.

The performance of the "Totentanz" will be enriched on November 7 by the actor Alexander Pluquett, who will bring the old texts of the Lübeck Dance of Death from the 15th century back to life.

After the concert, there will be an opportunity to chat over drinks and snacks.

Admission free, donations requested.


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