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The university sets a new standard for sustainability

New logo developed for sustainability activities.

The University of Kassel has been involved in a wide range of sustainability activities for many years. Environmental issues have played an important role since the university was founded and have shaped development planning ever since. In addition to a large number of degree courses in this subject area and many research projects on environmental issues, the University of Kassel is increasingly initiating and implementing projects in the field of corporate sustainability.

For example, the potential for structural and technical energy efficiency measures is currently being assessed across the board, the foundations for modern energy monitoring are being laid, a waste concept has been introduced, sustainable mobility strategies developed and corresponding information campaigns carried out. An incentive system for user participation in the buildings is also in preparation. All these activities are flanked by a financing model for energy efficiency measures called Intracting and the continuous expansion of PV systems for self-supply with electricity from renewable energy. The programs and projects are regularly reported on by operational sustainability management in the university's sustainability report, which has already been published twice.

A joint logo has been developed so that it is clear to the public, but also within the university, that all these activities are not individual actions, but that all projects are coordinated as part of a comprehensive concept to increase operational sustainability at the University of Kassel. From now on, all projects and programs in this context will operate under the word mark "University of Kassel - sustainable".