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Series of events: "Heimat, Volk, Scholle - Rechtsdruck im ländlichen Raum": "Aktiv gegen Rechts - Aufstehen für eine offene Gesellschaft!" (Active against the Right - Stand Up for an Open Society!)

Current social developments show that looking away and relativizing the problems with right-wing extremism is not an alternative. Anyone who wants an open and democratic society must stand up for it! Without a high level of civic engagement, anti-human ideologies and
right-wing extremist ways of thinking are gaining more and more space. How can I counter the spread of right-wing extremist attitudes in my town, my club, my school or my company
? Four initiatives that are resolutely opposed to right-wing extremism in their region discuss what options there are for action!

  • Bündnis gegen rechts Wendland/Altmark - The alliance was founded after confrontations with right-wing structures in the region in order to counter them.
  • Dorf der Jugend (Village of Youth) - The Grimma-based association provides information on social problems and promotes values such as tolerance, civil courage and interpersonal relationships.
  • Birgit & Horst Lohmeyer - Jamel has been deliberately settled by neo-Nazis as a "national socialist model village". Lohmeyers have been organizing the "Jameln rocktden Förster" festival since 2007 as a counter to right-wing extremism.
  • Mobiles Beratungsteam gegen Rechtsextremismus Hessen collects incidents with a right-wing extremist background and offers help and advice.

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