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Religious Education Theological Study Day: "Money Rules the World! Theological and Religious Didactical Consequences."

On January 25, a religious pedagogical-theological study day will take place. A central concern of the study day is to link subject-specific scientific perspectives with subject-specific didactical perspectives. This year's topic is the universal theme "God Money Rules the World! Theological and didactical consequences".

Prof. Dr. Alois Halbmayr, Professor of Dogmatics at the University of Salzburg, will give a systematic-theological lecture. A religious pedagogical response will be given by Dr. Thomas Heller, religious pedagogue from the University of Jena. Workshops will then be held to open up approaches to the topic, especially in terms of religious education and teaching practice.

Registration by mail to sekretariat.ikth[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. The event is accredited as teacher training. Participation is free of charge.

We cordially invite you to the study day and would also be pleased if you would pass on the information to interested students and colleagues.