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Conference: Emotions and morality in problematization discourses

Emotions and Morality in Problematization Discourses - Joint Conference of the Section Social Problems and Social Control and Sociology of Knowledge (Working Groups Discourse Analysis, Knowledge Culture, Globalization) of the German Sociological Association

Dates:      Thu, 27.06.2019, 2:30 pm - 7:30 pm & Fri, 28.06.2019 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Can the thematization of emotions and morality in problematization discourses open up a potential for social-theoretical or time-diagnostic analysis? How do discourses of emotionalization and moralization function? Have moralizations and emotionalizations gained in importance in recent years? Are social discourse structures and problematization processes shifting under the conditions of a changed attention economy or is it just a case of "old wine in new wineskins"? How are moralization, emotionalization and politics connected? From the concept of "moral panic" to more recent discourse research, forms of emotionalization and moralization are generally viewed critically and contrasted with a "truth of the matter". However, such a strategy of analysis runs the risk of having to distinguish between good and bad forms of dramatization, emotionalization and moralization and, for its part, merely doubles discursive standardizations. The aim of the conference is to take a more general approach to the analysis of discursive emotionalization and moralization in order to open it up to developments and processes that can do without preliminary decisions about the appropriateness of problematizations and related reactions and policies.


Registration until June 20 at: tagungsanmeldung-s[at]ostfalia[dot]de

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