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Kassel Science Talk

The "Kassel Science Talk" is a new format that aims to incorporate current scientific findings into a broad public debate. To this end, high-profile experts from governments, industry and society discuss current challenges of sustainable development with scientists. The focus is not only on problems, but also on possible solutions.

The "Kassel Science Talk" will open with a high-level guest lecture, followed by a moderated discussion with invited guests and questions from the audience.

The kick-off event will discuss the link between climate change and resource use, as well as how relevant information can be communicated successfully and in a targeted manner.  

The event is open to the public and will be recorded by the Teaching Service Center. Excerpts will be available on the Internet afterwards.


Keynote speaker: The Director of the European Environment Agency, Dr. Hans Brunynickx.

Lecture title: "Information for transformation - How to get people engaged?
From monitoring the environment to informing sustainability transitions: towards a knowledge paradigm fit for the 21st century."

Followed by discussion: with Dr. Hans Bruynickx, Prof. Reiner Finkeldey (President of the University of Kassel) and Prof. Stefan Bringezu (Director of the Center for Environmental Systems Research).


Attention: The lecture as well as the discussion will be held in English.

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