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Continuities of völkisch thinking - a topic for agricultural history? Mathilde von Kemnitz-Ludendorff (1877-1966) and the Ludendorff Movement

Agrarian-romantic transfigured concepts of homeland and nature conservation have always been components of völkisch ideology formation and völkisch settlement concepts. The lecture deals with one of the best-known protagonists of the völkisch movement in the Weimar Republic, the doctor and anti-Semite Mathilde von Kemnitz-Ludendorff. Together with her third husband, the general and politician Erich Ludendorff, she led the nationalist "Tannenbergbund" and founded the völkisch-religious association "Deutschvolk". Successor organizations to the Ludendorff movement, such as the far-right "Bund für Gotterkenntnis e.V.," still exist today. Annika Spilker, Dr.phil., cultural scientist and historian as well as head of the Eschwege town archive and town museum. Main fields of work: Historical gender research, völkische movement, history mediation: history of Eschwege.

Lecture by Dr. Annika Spilker (Eschwege)

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