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11th Congress for Psychodynamic Coaching

Since 2008, the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller), in cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Institute and the training and consulting institute inscape , has been organizing a congress for psychodynamic coaching . 

From February 19 - 20, 2021 the congress entitled: SCHÖPFERISCHES UNBEHAGEN: COACHINGFORSCHUNG UND COACHINGPRAXIS IM KRITISCHEN DIALOG will be held in digital format for the first time.   

Against the backdrop of the ambivalent relationship between the two "worlds", the congress aims to identify concrete opportunities to work towards a more sustainable working alliance between coaching practice and research . 

Researchers will present their findings and provide an overview of the academic publication landscape on the state of coaching research. In the workshops, the results will be transferred to concrete coaching practice. 

You can find further information via the following links: and the congress registration: 

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