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Corona in Latin America: analyses and visions for a global transformation

In cooperation with the Protestant Academy Hofgeismar, CELA is organizing the online event "Corona in Latin America: Analyses and visions for a global transformation".  Christina Schnepel (Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar) will discuss this topic with Dr. Kristina Dietz (University of Kassel, CELA), Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters (JLU Gießen and Instituto CAPAZ).

The evening will end with a cultural finale with the improvisational theater Fast Forward from Marburg. Prior registration for the event( is required.
Further information on the event:
Safe the Date: The topic of Corona in Latin America will be continued and deepened at a CELA conference at the Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar from July 2-4, 2021. The final program planning for this conference will follow at a later date.

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