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SHOOT, DEPARTMENT STORE! - Theater of the University of Kassel

A monumental wall made of countless container boxes:                           

With them, KLAR, KLING and ÄTZ play through countless breakout possibilities: in search of a safe place, of liabilities and rootedness, of a real life. They ask themselves: Globalization, what is it really? In the world of modern communication technology, where everyone can talk to everyone and you still can't get rid of the feeling of isolation and inaccessibility, the three zap their way through a life of news, personal memories and failed utopias - and still live!

Playing: Annika Steiner, Christian Köhn, Julia Kopylova                                                        

On the technical side: Martin Junghans                                                                                              

Sound: Franz Dulig                                                                                                        

Concept / stage / direction: Volker Hänel                                                                           

Assistance: Ulrike Birgmeier

Film editing: Lukas Prelle

Performance rights: Suhrkamp Theater Verlag

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