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Brown-bag lunch from INCHER-Kassel: Gender-sensitive science and higher education research - a research program.

The lecture briefly outlines the central thematic fields, theoretical approaches and methods of science research, higher education research, women's and gender studies as well as the university-related branch of the latter, in order to highlight the connectivity of the research program of gender-sensitive science and higher education research and to explain, on the basis of different examples, which scientific potentials and gains in knowledge can be expected if certain reception barriers are removed. At the same time, the specific benefit of mixed methods for gender-sensitive science and higher education research will be justified, which lies, among other things, in being able to better empirically grasp the macro-meso-micro link in order to map the duality of structure and action, to present it in its consequences, and to make interdependencies visible. The description of the research areas relevant for the research program would in principle have to be extended to include organizational research, since organizations are omnipresent in the science system. They regulate examinations, certifications, employment relationships, status passages, etc., and provide infrastructure and resources. In this way, they influence how science can be done and who does it. However, since higher education research and (higher education-related) women's and gender studies identify 'organization' as a central thematic area, which is treated in corresponding detail in the above description of the fields, it is not necessary to outline organization research as a fourth or fifth research area. In the discussion of the research program, however, the focus will be precisely on the effectiveness of organizations and thus on the sociological meso level, in order to reflect on suitable organizational sociological approaches for the research program of gender-sensitive science and higher education research.

Professor Dr. Bettina Langfeldt, Faculty 05, University of Kassel

This event is expected to take place exclusively online - as a ZOOM conference. Should a hybrid event (online and presence) be possible, this will be communicated in due time.

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