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Day of action against hate crime

The Hessian Ministry of Justice, civil society actors and the media are working together with the #KeineMachtdemHass cooperation to combat hate, incitement and digital violence on the Internet. The University of Kassel is also a cooperation partner. On July 22, the International Day for Victims of Hate Crime, the #KeineMachtdemHass cooperation is drawing attention to the fight against hate and incitement online with a day of action featuring various activities. In the talk round "Counter-speech, hotlines and victim counseling - what options do civil society organizations have in a society"? (presence and livestream), Daniel Hornuff, Professor of Theory and Practice of Design at the University of Art in Kassel, will also speak: "It is also images that are used for hate and agitation. Above all, racism and anti-Semitism unfold in social media via manipulated photographs, videos and specially designed graphics. Effective measures against these forms of aestheticized discrimination urgently need to be developed. But it is all the more important to raise awareness of how hate images work and the damage they cause."

We cordially invite you to #KeineMachtdemHassat Talk:

July 22, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.

Talk round (1):
"Counter-speech, hotlines and victim counseling - what possibilities do civil society organizations have in a society"?

Visitor Center Radio/Tele FFH
FFH-Platz 1
61111 Bad Vilbel
or via Livestream:

Eva Kühne-Hörmann,
Hessian Minister of Justice (online)
Josephine Ballon, Head of the Legal Department of HateAid (online)
Juliane Chakrabarti, Member of the Board ichbinhier e.V. (online)
Prof. Daniel Hornuff, Professor for Theory and Practice of Design at the University of Kassel (presence)
Dr. Benjamin Krause, Senior Public Prosecutor of the Central Office for Combating Internet Crime (ZIT) (presence)

Please note that the requirement for admission to the FFH Radio House is in accordance with § 3CoSchuV.


Further program points of the action day against agitation:

Brainsnack - "Combating hate and agitation" with Volkswagen Kassel and the initiative "Open for diversity - Closed against exclusion"

5:00 p.m.
#KeineMachtdemHass im Talk (2): "Fake news, freedom of the press and freedom of expression - what responsibility does the media have in a society?"

Workshop by #ichbinhier: "Virtual Bootcamp for Digital Civil Courage"

All day long, the media partners Radio/Tele FFH GmbH & Co. Betriebs-KG (HIT RADIO FFH) and the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation as well as the State Media Authority with your open channels dedicate themselves to the topic "Combating hate and incitement" on July 22.


In November 2019, the Hessian Minister of Justice Eva Kühne-Hörmann founded the cooperation #KeineMachtdemHass: In addition to the civil society partners HateAid, ichbinhier and Offen für Vielfalt - Geschlossen gegen Ausgrenzung, the Hessische Landesanstalt für privaten Rundfunk und neue Medien, the University of Kassel and the media partners HIT RADIO FFH, Extra Tip and Hessischer Rundfunk are also taking a clear stance against hate crime.

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