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Organic tomatoes in the open field - the taste and aroma of tomatoes

For partners, multipliers and interested parties.

General background information on the outdoor tomato project can be found on the new project homepage and, for example, at or more comprehensively and in English at Horneburg B (2010) Participation, utilization and development of genetic resources in the Organic Outdoor Tomato Project. In: Goldringer I, Dawson J, Rey F, Vettoretti A (eds.) Breeding for resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? EUCARPIA 2nd Conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section. S. 139-142.


We can adapt the schedule to the needs to a limited extent.
We ask for a short registration (if not already done) so that we can plan! The new project email is:

We ask you to do a self-test before arrival in any case. The 3G rule (vaccinated, recovered, tested) applies from warning level 1 or incidence over 50. We are obliged to document contact details (name, address, telephone number, date, time).
The usual regulations apply in the sports center: Mouth-nose cover up to the court. Maintain a distance of 1.5 m at the tables. Outside, a distance of 1.5 m can be maintained. In the greenhouse, a mouth-nose cover must be in place if we are unable to maintain the minimum distance.

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