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Urban renewal // FUSION Retrospectives with Christian Kopetzki in conversation with Uwe Altrock

Urban renewal - Christian Kopetzki - 1978-2005
Interviewer: Uwe Altrock, Department Urban Renewal and Planning Theory I FB06

Christian Kopetzki was one of the first university lecturers to systematically deal with the requirements and varieties of dealing with existing neighborhoods between land redevelopment and careful urban renewal. Together with his students, he has brought a variety of strategies for an alternative further development of Kassel into the public debate. With Uwe Altrock, he discusses current trends in the development of existing buildings in research, teaching and practice.


FUSION Retrospectives

The Reform University Kassel is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Time to take stock and look ahead in architecture, urban and landscape planning as part of the FUSION lecture series.

The FUSION "Retrospectives" in the winter semester 2021/22 will focus on where we come from and what lasting accents our department has set. Pioneers who were central to the development of the department's profile will present positions and contributions in a review of their work at the university and beyond. In conversation with guests and colleagues, they reflect on the significance of architecture, urban and landscape planning at a reform university and in a rapidly changing society.


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