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Web editing in a technical college

Detours also lead to the destination - even if it's not entirely clear at the beginning what that destination is in the first place. Julia Pater graduated in 2014 with a bi-national master's degree in linguistics, cultural studies and literature at the University of Kassel. Like many of her fellow students, she actually wanted to work in a publishing house afterwards - but then started as a marketing trainee in a medium-sized company. For more than four years, she worked on the production of trade magazines, maintained the company website, looked after the Facebook presence andcoordinated external editors, agencies and partners. Then came the change as marketing manager to a hiking and leisure association with over 30,000 members. Event organization, financial management, support of sponsors and the coordination of operational processes in coordination with the management were some of her tasks. But she wasn't really happy with it - quite the opposite. So, at the beginning of 2020, she took the decision to resign. It was not foreseeable that the Corona pandemic would turn the world upside down in the following months. But for Julia Pater, things continued.

She underwent career coaching, reflected on her professional career, became aware of her successes, competencies and ultimately also her aspirations. In the end, she realized that she had always enjoyed working on and writing for websites - and that this had been part of almost all her internships, part-time jobs and full-time activities. This was followed by further professional training as an online editor in order to deepen her existing knowledge. Directly afterwards, she started her current job as a web editor at the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen. Here she is responsible, among other things, for the design and maintenance of the website, for writing and editing texts, and for internal service and user support.

She will talk more about this and about her experiences starting her career on January 27, 2022. The event will take place online via Zoom. It begins at 5 p.m. (s.t.) and is expected to last an hour and a half.

More about the alumna:

Julia Pater on LinkedIn

More about the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen:

With approximately 12,300 students, the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen is one of the larger universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia. At its campuses in Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid, Meschede and Soest, studying is familiar and practice-oriented.

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. A new date will probably be offered in the summer semester.

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