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History digital - a lecture and discussion event of the master's program "History and the Public Sphere

"History digital" - How do social media enrich the teaching of history?
History students would like to address this question with guests from the fields of archiving digital sources, podcasts as well as social networks. We also cordially invite you to participate in the panel discussion as well as a subsequent Open Forum, in which we will consider the user*s perspective on the digital mediation of history.


Guests and schedule
10:00 - 11:00: Under the motto "Sharing is caring - become a part of history!" the website "coronarchiv" went online in spring 2020. Here, memories and experiences about the pandemic can be shared in order to record them for posterity and future research. Co-initiator Benjamin Roers will present what it means to collect digital material publicly for historical scholarship.

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: By presenting her Instagram page, master's student Laura Baumgarten from the University of Halle will offer an insight into her social media project "Frau Abgeordnete" ("Woman MPs"), which is represented on various channels - there she deals with the biographies of the first 111 female parliamentarians of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic.

12:00 - 13:00: Focusing on popular culture and queer studies, Dr. Sabrina Mittermeier researches US history in a transnational context at the University of Kassel. She would like to talk to us about the role of the social platform Twitter in academic networking among historians, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of one's own visibility as a scholar on social media platforms.

Followed by: Open Forum. How is the communication of history perceived by users?

Participate via Zoom meeting at the following link:
Meeting ID: 941 8689 8884 Identifier code: 814416

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