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Training for Teachers: World Breakfast: Origin, Exploitation, Climate Change

Together we look at what is natural for our breakfast: coffee, tea, cocoa, orange juice? Bread with sausage or cheese? Muesli with nuts? Bananas and apples?
On the world map, we look for where these foods come from and find out, by way of example, under what exploitative working and trading conditions they are grown.
At the same time, we want to measure the ecological footprint of our food. Here, too, we will take a closer look at the CO2 consumption of selected products and product packaging. Finally, we will collect suggestions for implementation in the classroom.

Direction: Eva-Maria Kohlmann (University of Kassel), Raphael Chirakakis (District of Waldeck-Frankenberg, FB Schools and Education)
Lecturer: Doreen Thieke (Education Officer at the Weltladen Marburg)

Registration is possible via the website of the Center for Teacher Education:

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