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Copyright in everyday university life

In recent years, copyright law has been adapted to the current requirements of the knowledge society. As a result, the changed and expanded copyright regulations have become an important basis for the work of educational and scientific institutions as well as libraries.

Teachers and researchers, students, employees in libraries and administrations need a copyright competence that enables them to use and distribute other people's works comprehensively and in a legally secure way, but also to publish their own works in a copyright-compliant way.

In the training event offered by Kassel University Library, the basics of copyright law will be presented and explained. The relevance and effects of the last two copyright reforms are the focus of the presentation. There will be an opportunity to discuss open questions following the presentation.


Target group: teachers and researchers, students, employees in libraries and administrations
Speaker: Oliver Hinte (FernUniversität Hagen)

Link to the event:

Meeting-ID: 957 3221 9208 | Kenncode: 025286
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