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FUTURE DIALOGUES | Dialogue 1: The future of business

Melting polar ice caps, freak weather, heatwaves and flooding: The consequences of climate change are already clearly noticeable today. But how are companies in the Kassel region affected by this development? What does their and our future look like? What paths can they take - not only to take advantage of economic opportunities through new products and services, but also to actively shape the future? Why are these questions relevant? And what role do we all have in developing new ways of doing business?

Interested citizens are cordially invited to join in and discuss the future of business together:
ZUKUNFTSDIALOGE - Science x Art x Society
Dialogue 1: The future of business
Free admission
Register now!

In an interactive format, visitors can talk to company representatives, scientists and artists about our shared future of business. The program consists of examples of innovative new business models as well as forward-looking approaches from traditional companies that promote sustainable business in the region. In addition, there is the artistic perspective of the Staatstheater Kassel. Moderator Bastian Bender will lead through the evening and welcome the following guests in addition to the citizens:
- Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (artist in the Temple project of the Staatstheater)
- Prof. Dr. Kurt Rohrig (Fraunhofer IEE/University of Kassel)
- Katharina Ladleif (mela wear GmbH)
- Samuel Waldeck (SHIFT GmbH)
- Katharina Koch (Landfleischerei Koch)
- Kerstin Lopau (Solocal Energy)
- Sina Alexi (Städtische Werke AG)


Further information and registration:

Gianna Dalfuß
Email: gianna.dalfuss[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Phone: 0561 804 2427

Save the Date: Citizens' Dialogues in March 2022

Monday, March 14, 18:00
DIALOG 2 - Future of living together
TiF Theater im Fridericianum

Tuesday, March 15, 18:00
DIALOG 3 - The future of technology
Staatstheater Kassel, Opera Foyer

Kassel State Theater

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