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Curator's tour of the exhibition "Wunderkammer modern".

Guided tour with curator Jakob Luckschewitz

The special exhibition "Wunderkammer modern - 50 Jahre Universität Kassel" (Modern Chamber of Wonders - 50 Years of Kassel University) uses 50 objects to illuminate exciting research stories of Hesse's youngest university and illustrates its impact on the city and the region. On the tour of the special exhibition with curator Jakob Luckschewitz, you will learn more about patented inventions that have enjoyed success in the region and throughout Germany, a worm that plays a role in Netflix, or the original Oscar won by a Kassel student in 1997.

The special exhibition is on display at the Stadtmuseum Kassel until April 18.

Admission to the museum is 4 euros, reduced 3 euros. The actual guided tour is free of charge.

Please register for the tour by contacting the Stadtmuseum Kassel at 0561 787-4405 or stadtmuseum.aufsicht[at]kassel[dot]de.

General distance rules and hygiene regulations apply. In addition, the 2G-plus rule (fully vaccinated or recovered plus booster vaccination or test from a testing center) currently applies.

Please wear medical mouth-to-nose coverage during your visit.

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