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Teacher training: Imaginative motivation for free writing & Storytelling

This workshop is probably dedicated to the most challenging but also the most profitable tasks in foreign language teaching: free creative writing and oral and written storytelling. The digital tools, apps or databases presented and impulses from gamification and augmented reality can help you to transport your learners into a foreign world, appeal to all their senses and inspire their imagination. Teleport your learners to another place and time in a digital dream journey or with a global simulation to transport them completely into the fantasy world and then have them write fictional travelogues in the form of blogs or Instagram posts. Use storytelling cubes, stimuli from digital storytelling or inspiring images as helpful scaffolding for creative writing. Use interactive maps that tell your learners more about the fictional setting or the contemporary background, or animate historical figures or characters from novels so that they speak directly to your learners. Let your learners become avatars, dragon tamers or superheroes narrating their latest adventures. Make more use of collaborative tools for cooperative storytelling in the form of podcasts, blogs or tweets or for poetry writing and honor the creative student works in booklets or e-books.

Leader: Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak (University of Kassel)
Lecturer: Verena Plomer (senior teacher, author, trainer)

Registration is possible until 29.04.2022 via the website of the Center for Teacher Education:

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