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FoSS: Volunteering for Refugees. Learning from 2015

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there is a strong migration of refugees from Ukraine, also to Germany. To overcome the challenges, the focus is on supportive, voluntary engagement. In this context, a completed empirical-qualitative teaching research project on the voluntary support of refugees is of interest. It showed that gender relations played a special role in the situation from 2015. In addition, fun and respect were important aspects from the volunteers' perspective for their activity. Success, gratitude and recognition seemed to be central for understanding. These three dimensions could be transferable to the current situation and they could offer starting points for social work that supports voluntary commitment.

If you would like to participate in the event, please register by e-mail at nathalie.rothe[at]pg.hs-fulda[dot]de - you will then receive the relevant access link in advance of the event.

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