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FairNetztEuch! 2.0 - Second nationwide secretarial network meeting | Training: Making work visible

Registration deadline: 30.06.2022

The lack of visibility of assistance work and stereotypical role expectations of university secretaries is a reality. Activities and areas of competence in secretariats have been and are being continuously expanded in terms of quality and quantity. University secretaries make a massive transfer contribution to science, for example in the area of digitalization or third-party funding. Despite the bukof 2020 campaign, it remains problematic that the increasing demands and expectations placed on university secretariats have still not been incorporated into a redefinition of the job profile.

It is important to classify the employees in the university secretariats with their responsibilities and skills in the overall picture of the university and to make them visible. The participants of the conference will help to highlight the importance of assistant work for the functioning of modern universities. The aim is to activate scope for action for appropriate appreciation and collective assessment among all stakeholders in higher education institutions. The training provides an insight into the current state of research on the topic of "working conditions in university secretariats" and answers the question of why it is worth "making assistance work visible" and how this can work. Together, ways are opened up to help shape and improve one's own work and its conditions.

FairNetztEuch! 2.0 aims to "Make work visible":
Highlight skills, find support, seek to exchange experiences, change perspectives, promote networking and demand solidarity. The event is aimed at active secretarial networks, colleagues who want to plan and support networking, interested parties and representatives from equal opportunities and women's offices at colleges and universities. The number of participants is limited to 120 people. Participants will receive detailed information on the workshops on site.

Further information and the program can be found here

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