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21st N-AERUS Conference - Transforming Role of State in Addressing Inclusive Urban Development

The 21st N-AERUS Conference with the theme Transforming Role of State in Addressing Inclusive Urban Development will be held in parallel at the University of Kassel and the University of Khulna in Bangladesh. The conference is hosted by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the University of Khulna and the Department of Sustainable Cities and Communities of the University of Kassel in collaboration with N-AERUS - Network Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South ( Together with scholars from around the world, the conference will explore the impact of neoliberal urban policies and post-neoliberal urban movements, and discuss how the state interacts with the private sector and civil society, especially marginalized urban communities, in relation to urban development. Scholars:from over 12 countries will deliver a total of 15 papers onsite at the University of Kassel and 17 papers online.

Participation is open to all and free of charge.

Program and registration:

Website of the FG:

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