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Online lectures: 16th symposium of the umbrella organization for crop and livestock diversity e.V.

in cooperation with FB 11/Ecological Agricultural Sciences/Tropical Greenhouse/University of Kassel
The symposium will take place ONLINE!


Program 18.11. to 20.11.2022   
Friday 18. November
19:30 Welcome by Prof. Dr. Gunter Backes, Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel. Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel           

"Bushtomato varieties in the home garden", Dr. Thomas Gladis, Berlin
Saturday  19 November
14:00 - 16:00    
"Genetic engineering using the example of fruit growing: Can individual genes solve the problems of apple growing?"
Hans-Joachim Bannier (Obst-Arboretum Bielefeld / ecological breeding initiative apfel:gut e.V.)

17:00 - 19:00    
"Gentechnik Undercover auf die Felder - Auch die neue Gentechnik ist Gentechnik"
Martin Häusling, MEP The Greens, Brussels

Sunday  20. November
10:00 - 11:00              
"Bakwert - Heterogeneous wheat populations in organic value chains"
Odette Weedon and Torsten Siegmeier, University of Kassel 

11:30 - 12:00            
"Knoblauch - Forschungsergebnisse aus einer Masterarbeit", Johannes Ritz, University of Kassel


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