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Reading and exchange: Handbook "Feminist perspectives on parenthood" with Alicia Schlender

As co-editor, Alicia Schlender will read from the handbook "Feminist Perspectives on Parenthood" this afternoon and give participants an insight into the feminist debates and struggles on the topic of parenthood, which for a long time tended to be neglected in feminist theories in German-speaking countries. The handbook addresses "these gaps" and brings together 50 gender-critical keywords on the subject of parenthood. It is a reference work with a wide range of topics which, in addition to the theoretical positioning, also discusses the institutional embedding as well as ways into parenthood and being a parent. It also looks at the challenges of feminist family policy and utopias of a liberated society.

After the reading, there will be time for questions and discussion.

There will also be free childcare from 15:45 with child-friendly drinks and snacks. The children will be looked after by the Flying Nannies. No prior registration is required. The childcare takes place in the adjacent building in the student house in the premises of the autonomous parents' department (Universitätspl. 10, 34127 Kassel, 2nd floor, elevator available)

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