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Lecture Series: Transformation of Social (In)Equality - New Forms of Poverty, New Pacts against Poverty?

The lecture series "Transformations and the Urban-Rural Relationship (in Northern Hesse)" focuses on different facets of the socio-ecological turnaround, including the region of Northern Hesse. Every week, two speakers from science and practice will give lectures and discuss with each other. One of the lectures will be devoted to a review of the general state of knowledge on individual aspects of the transformation. The second lecture will focus on North Hesse and discuss the challenges arising from the socio-ecological transformation for the region. The new urban-rural conflicts associated with the expansion of renewable energies, the challenges facing the North Hessian economy and the fact that the transformation processes not only have an economic side, but also change the North Hessian party and media landscape will be elaborated.

Organization: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder, Head of Department Political System of the FRG - Statehood in Transition


Topic on 10.01.2023: Transformation of social (in)equality - new forms of poverty, new pacts against poverty?
The living and working environment of people in Germany is undergoing fundamental changes - mainly due to technological changes and digitalization processes. The external shock of the Corona pandemic acted as a catalyst in this context, further accelerating the transformations that were already taking place. In particular, the decoupling of the place of work and the workforce, so-called mobile working, has become much more important. However, such developments not only have positive effects, they can also pose a threat to employees. Against this background, the question arises to what extent new forms of poverty (could) emerge in Germany. Are more people actually at risk of social decline? Who are those affected, how is wealth distributed in Germany, and how can political countermeasures be taken - both at the federal political level and in North Hesse?

Speakers:  Dr. Markus M. Grabka (DIW Berlin), Ilona Friedrich (Mayor of Kassel)

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