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In-service training for teachers: Nature of Science in physics education (NOS-ELCH)

The University of Kassel offers you the free opportunity to learn about Nature of Science (NOS) from a subject-specific and subject-didactic perspective and to discuss possible classroom implementations together. You will learn how your students can approach science and the professional field of natural scientists on the basis of current research: Laboratory tours will first introduce you to current research projects and areas of the Collaborative Research Center 1319 Extreme Light for the Analysis and Control of Molecular Chirality (ELCH). After a short introduction to the topic Nature of Science, we will then explore the question of how you can promote the understanding of science among students in the classroom.

You can expect a special opportunity to exchange ideas with other teachers, to receive and discuss teaching materials and suggestions for your own physics lessons, to visit the research laboratories of the University of Kassel and to gain insights into modern subject-specific and subject-didactic research.

Head: Linda Zwick (University of Kassel)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rita Wodzinski (University of Kassel)

Registration is possible until 02.12.2022 via the following website:

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