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Guided tour in the tropical greenhouse, Witzenhausen: "Banana, rubber, tea - plants change the world!?"

Join Hannah Grund-Magomu as she traces "botanical" colonial history and its impact. As part of the critical commemoration of the founding of the German Colonial School 125 years ago, the tour will focus on the colonial references and continuities of crops, science, botanical gardens and global agriculture today. Cost 3€/person (students free)

Guided tour,Wednesday,3rd of may at 6 pm,Greenhouse for Tropical Crops - Witzenhausen
with Hannah Grund-Magomu on the trail of the colonial botany, its history and its effects. As part of the critical commemoration of the
founding of the German Colonial School in Witzenhausen 125 years ago, the tour is about continuities related to crops, science, botanical
gardens and global agriculture today. 3 €/person (students free of charge)


Tropical Greenhouse University of Kassel
Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen
Tel.: 05542-981231 Email: tropengewaechshaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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