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06/13/2023 | Porträts und Geschichten

From another point of view (test)

Strong subjects, a green campus and lots of opportunities: Camilla and Laurenz study sociology and political science at the University of Kassel. Both moved to Kassel for their studies and think it was worth it: It was worth it.

"I've always observed everyday situations and asked myself why we actually act the way we do and whether everything couldn't be completely different," says Camilla (23), who is now in her 6th semester studying sociology in Kassel. "Questioning these little everyday things and maybe coming to new assessments is what I'm learning in my studies, and that's what fascinates me." If, like Camilla, you wonder how societies function and what values and norms influence actions, the subject of sociology is just right for you. Sociology studies how people live together - in societies, families or other groups. The Bachelor's program in Sociology at the University of Kassel also imparts methodological knowledge so that students can then make a good start in their professional lives. From journalism to human resources management to market research or management consulting - there is a wide range of career opportunities for graduates of a sociology degree program.

More about the Bachelor's program in Sociology at the University of Kassel:


Looking at society and politics from a different perspective and understanding them better - this prospect also motivated Laurenz (22) to take the subject combination Political Science and Sociology. Whether it's a seminar on German trade unions or a lecture on international relations: He particularly appreciates the broad range of international topics he has dealt with in the course of his studies. At school, he took an advanced course in PoWi, "but back then, I didn't have a view of the big picture or an exchange with other interested people. Today, I sit in a seminar with people who are passionate about the subject, which often leads to exciting discussions."

Political scientists conduct research on political systems, international relations, economics, the environment and development policy, for example. Their knowledge is in demand on the job market. After graduation, they work, for example, as journalists, contribute their expertise to foundations, associations and political parties, do public relations work for companies or conduct research at universities.

More about the bachelor's degree program in political science at the University of Kassel:


"Kassel has really grown on me".

As a native of Marburg, Camilla landed in Kassel rather by chance, she says: "My partner also works here, which is why I chose Kassel. The city has really grown on me in the meantime." She was also convinced by the close support from the lecturers, the diverse range of seminars and the exchange in small learning groups: "I attended many events with eight to fifteen participants. That's a very different learning atmosphere and much better supervision than at an anonymous mass university."

Laurenz took a pragmatic approach to choosing a place to study: "From the very beginning, I found it positive that Kassel offers a variety of ways to get into a degree program and that, for example, it's also possible to study with an apprenticeship or a vocational baccalaureate." In this way, you come into contact with very different life paths and perspectives during your studies.

More about studying without a high school dipl oma at the University of Kassel:


"On campus, it looks like a mini village".

He appreciates the atmosphere on campus with teaching and living spaces, the library, the student house of the AStA and nice cafés, all in one place. "In our department around Nora-Platiel-Strasse, it looks like a mini village, with the red brick, small alleys and lots of greenery in between," Camilla adds. The two agree on their favorite places on campus: the green Mensavorplatz is a good place to sit in the sun with friends, they say. But the campus garden or the Café Pavillon are also inviting places to relax.

Laurenz is involved in the student council: "We organize educational events, help with the start of studies and organize parties and game nights. I can only recommend getting involved and contributing your strengths and interests. As a student, you can really help shape things and get to know people along the way." As a balance to their studies, both enjoy taking advantage of the university sports program: Camilla plays volleyball and Laurenz has discovered rowing for himself.

"We learn techniques that can be used in a variety of ways."

How things will continue for the two is not yet certain. Laurenz can imagine studying for a master's degree in Kassel: "In Kassel, there is a diverse range of master's programs in the field of political science. I also like the practical relevance here."

Camilla would also like to pursue a master's degree in Kassel. She is optimistic about the future. She has learned "that sociology doesn't teach a ready-made job description, but techniques that can be applied in many ways." Statistics, for example, is relevant in many professions. The relevant module "has given me confidence that I will leave my studies with skills that are in demand on the job market," she emphasizes.

Good prospects for the future, exciting discussions, a beautiful campus and small study groups - all in all, Laurenz and Camilla are happy with their choice of study. For anyone still deciding, Laurenz has another tip: "Just sit in on lectures that sound interesting." Camilla adds, "Offerings like the study and career information days can also help you get an overview." And when in doubt, both think: Just start!


There are many orientation offers at the University of Kassel. The course catalog for prospective students, for example, offers the opportunity to attend selected courses in the degree programs. In addition, there are other counseling and information services. More information at:

Camilla and Laurenz are studying a "two-subject bachelor's degree". That means they choose a major and a minor subject. The two could choose from more than ten minor subjects. An overview of all the subjects that can be combined is available at: