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Public lecture: God - (no)longer a topic? The question of God in secular times

Public lecture in the context of the 7th Religious Education Theological Study Day.

"Are there still stories about God at all today?" was a student question in our classroom study on conversations in religious education. The interdisciplinary and practically oriented study day wants to deal with the central question of how theologically as well as pedagogically responsible God*in can be spoken of in religious education in view of current social and theological developments.

The dogmatist Prof. Dr. Julia Knop (University of Erfurt) will problematize this question from a systematic-theological perspective. Afterwards, results of the Kassel study on conversations in religious education will be presented, which will clarify that and how God is actually talked about in current religious education, which questions are virulent for students, and how teachers of religion can competently and methodically lead the conversation and exchange.

Further information: 7th Religious Education Theological Study Day: "Are there still stories about God today?

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