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Diversity Week: Panel Discussion Glass Ceiling

Moderation: Tamara Bodden
In a panel discussion we will discuss challenges and ways of women in the university setting together with Dr. Sylke Ernst (central women's and gender equality officer of the University of Kassel), Elena Vanelli (gender equality officer at FB05), Profin Dr. Liliana Goméz (documenta Institute, FB02) and Vivian Donath (student, co-organizer of RV 2023 "Violence and Body - Dimensions of Sexualized Violence").

Zoomlink for hybrid participation:

This year's Diversity Week will take place during the week of Nov. 6-10. Organized by Equal Opportunity Officers of the Department 02, various dimensions of discrimination will be discussed together. In addition to an extensive supporting program with workshops, lectures, forums and some more, seminars will also get involved by linking their teaching content to the topics of Diversity Week during this week. All interested parties can take a closer look at the program here and are cordially invited to join in the discussion and get involved.

to the program

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