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Ways out of the socio-ecological catastrophe? Public panel discussion of the Transformation Workshop Sustainability

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Kristina Dietz, Head of the Department of International Relations with a focus on Latin America, University of Kassel


  • Yuvelis Morales Blanco, climate and anti-fracking activist, Colombia
  • Irene von Drigalski, Last Generation
  • Simon Grobe, Climate Justice Kassel (KligK)
  • Hannah Pilgrim, Coordinator of the Raw Materials Working Group at PowerShift e.V.
  • Matthias Schmelzer, deputy professor for socio-ecological transformation research, University of Flensburg
  • Darya Sotoodeh, Fridays for Future Germany


This event is part of the series Transformationswerkstatt Nachhaltigkeit. Further information: Kassel Institute for Sustainability

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