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Diversity & Gender Lunch Talk: Cognitive Biases - How they shape our thoughts and actions in everyday university life

You can find the Zoom link for the presentation here: Zoom link

Are you involved in personnel decisions? Then this presentation is just right for you! The speaker, Dr. Lisa K. Horvath, will provide an overview of implicit biases. Knowledge of these is particularly important for equal opportunity personnel selection procedures in science.

Cognitive biases
When perceiving people, our brain often plays tricks on us: we judge people who are similar to us more positively. Furthermore, stereotypes about groups can distort our evaluations and even distort the order in assessments (e.g. in applicant or student evaluations). This in turn can affect the quality of research, teaching and practice. In this lecture and the subsequent workshop, distortions of perception and assessment will be presented and examples from university practice will be discussed. Building on this, the possibilities for reducing "cognitive biases" (or measures for bias management) will be highlighted in order to ensure excellence and heterogeneity at universities.

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