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Exhibition opening: "Capital of the raccoons" at Uni:Lokal

Image: Dominik Janoschka and Jan Piecha

Kassel is known throughout Germany as the capital of raccoons. However, not everyone likes the immigrant wild animals in the urban environment. However, with their cute appearance, finely drawn face and delicate paws, the raccoons have many Kassel residents on their side. They have even become the city's advertising medium in many cases.

The photos by Dominik Janoschka and Jan Piecha impressively show how the raccoons have conquered the city as their habitat. The photographers followed the animals from their natural habitat into the illuminated streets of the city to photograph raccoons in the urban environment. The photos open up new perspectives on wild animals and coexistence in human civilization.

The exhibition opens on February 2 and can be seen until March 22 at Uni:Lokal in Wilhelmstraße.

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 12.00 to 17.00
Saturday 11.00 to 15.00
Closed on Mondays
Admission: free
Location: Wilhelmsstraße 21, 34117 Kassel


Opening on February 2, 2024, 4 pm


Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, President of the University of Kassel


Lecture by Dr. Annette Voigt (Department of Open Space Planning):

Of raccoons, urban foxes and pigeons: experiences of humans and animals living together in the city and innovative ideas for the future
Wild animals in the city have adapted to the urban habitat. As a result, the city has become a meeting and interaction space for humans and animals, which is also regulated by city authorities through the protection, relocation or killing of animals.
How do we want to live with animals in the city? For socio-ecological transformation and a diverse nature in the city, it would be necessary to relativize human interests of use and ideas of order. What would be the prerequisites for the coexistence of humans and animals in the city?

In the DFG project "Planning animal-human relations in the 'urban habitat'", Dr. Annette Voigt is researching the interaction between animals living in the wild in urban spaces on the one hand and the political, planning and administrative actions that respond to this animal presence on the other. 

Lecture and curator tour "Capital of Raccoons"
Dominik Janoschka and Jan Piecha then present their photo project. They will talk about their nocturnal tours and how they can now track down one of our secret fellow citizens at any time of day or night. Visitors are invited to talk to the curators


Supporting program:

February 22, 6 p.m.:
Picture lecture by Jan Piecha: "In search of your own pictorial style" + curator tour

What actually makes a good picture? What should it look like? Sharp? Colorful? Creative? Abstract? Over the years, Jan Piecha has acquired various photographic techniques and offers an insight behind the scenes of his photographic works.

March 12, 6 p.m.:
Picture lecture by Jan Piecha: "Walks through Kassel's urban nature" + curator's tour

Although the photo project about the raccoons has been his main focus in recent years, Jan Piecha has been able to capture many other motifs with his camera during this time. In his lecture, he shows what else there is to discover "on our doorstep".

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