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Online workshop: Sugar cane, beets & Co - from the bittersweet flavor

We love sweets! Accordingly, sugar was and is an important commodity with increasing consumption and growing cultivation areas worldwide. Sugar cane is a political plant, as large areas of rainforest are disappearing for its cultivation, especially in Brazil. The sugar ends up as bioethanol in our car tanks. It was political decisions that led to this.

In the workshop, we will look at the political, social and ecological aspects of sweetening plants. After a technical impulse, we will work with padlets in small groups and discuss our results.

The event is free of charge. Please register for the event below. The Zoom link will then be sent to you.

An event of the project #75 The Political Plant - Educational formats at nature conservation academies and botanical gardens


Knowledge repository - an exhibition with 100 ideas from the University of Kassel for a more sustainable future, organized by UniKasselTransfer and Raamwerk

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