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05/08/2018 | Campus-Meldung

Event "Charities in the social economy between social aspirations and economic constraints" on May 23, 2018.

The Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy (FoSS) of the University of Kassel and the University of Applied Sciences Fulda is co-organizer of the lecture "Wohlfahrtsverbände in der Sozialwirtschaft zwischen sozialem Anspruch und ökonomischen Zwängen", which will take place within the lecture series "Sozialwirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft" of the Association for the Promotion of Research and Knowledge Transfer in Social Law and Social Policy e.V. in cooperation with the League of Independent Welfare Organizations in Hesse e.V.. The event is free of charge. Start: 6 p.m.

Speakers are Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder (University of Kassel) and Dr. Hejo Manderscheid (former Caritas Hessen). Afterwards there will be a panel discussion with the speakers and Michael Schmidt (Managing Director AWO Hessen-Nord). The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänlein (University of Kassel).

The event is free of charge. Place of event is the Kolpinghaus of the Caritasverband, large hall, the liberty 2, 34117 Kassel. Start: 18.00 o'clock.
Registrations please under:


Nikolaus Goldbach LL.M.
Department of Business, Labor and Social Law
University of Kassel
Phone +49 561 804-3156
E-mail address